COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL 4 et 5 décembre 2014

Comment la sociologie des migrations internationales
transforme-t-elle les paradigmes de la sociologie générale ?
Un regard franco-allemand
4 et 5 décembre 2014
Maison Interdisciplinaire des Sciences de l’Homme en Alsace (MISHA)
Salle des conférences

Colloque organisé par
Le Laboratoire DynamE (Dynamiques Européennes, UMR 7367) de
l’Université de Strasbourg, le Réseau Thématique 2 « Migrations, Altérité et
Internationalisation » de l’Association Française de Sociologie (AFS), l’Université
Franco-Allemande (UFA) et le GIS « Mondes germaniques »

Comité scientifique :
Catherine DELCROIX, DynamE/Cnrs, Université de Strasbourg
Elsa LAGIER, DynamE/Cnrs, Université de Strasbourg
Albena TCHOLAKOVA, Cresppa-GTM/Cnrs, Dim Gestes

Le colloque est ouvert au public, gratuit et sur inscription :

Contact :


Mai multe informații:

2015 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting (September 3 – 6 San Francisco)

Society for Romanian Studies, Call for Proposals

President of the Society for Romanian Studies

The 2015 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting will take
place September 3 – 6 in San Francisco. The conference theme is Diversities
Reconsidered: Politics, and Political Science, in the 21st Century (for more information,

The Related Group Society for Romanian Studies invites paper proposals for the 2015
annual meeting. We are particularly interested in proposals that use Romania in
comparative perspective or as a single case study and that are related to the conference

In line with the theme statement, we have a diverse interpretation of diversities. We are
looking for papers that address diversity (1) in substantive terms, focusing on how
population heterogeneity (demographic, attitudinal, or behavioral) on the political arena
is dealt with in Romania; (2) in terms of the subject of interest for those who do
political science in or on Romania, focusing on what is studied and what is not studied
within the discipline and geographic bounds; and (3) in methodological terms, focusing
on how political science is conducted in Romania.

All proposals will be processed directly through the APSA website. The deadline for
submitting a proposal is December 15th, 2014. The recommended length for the
proposals is 500 words. Please go to to create your
APSA account and submit your proposal. Please send a copy of your proposal to
Claudiu Tufiș as well ( The same e-mail address
can be used for any questions you might have about this call. Do not hesitate to circulate
this call to anyone you think might be interested.

A version of this Call for Proposals can be found on APSA’s website as well, at

LUMEN 2015 Rethinking Social Action. Core Values (RSACV) 16th – 19th of April Iasi

Call for Papers The 6th International Conference LUMEN 2015 Rethinking Social Action. Core Values – RSACV 2015 16th – 19th of April 2015  Iasi, Romania

Dear Colleagues,

We are honored to invite you to the 6th edition of International Conference LUMEN –Rethinking Social Action. Core Values – RSACV 2015 which will take place on April 2015 in Iasi, Romania.

The experience of previous editions developed successfully provides us with the confidence that the international scientific manifestation with multidisciplinary character, and whose general objective is to promote scientific excellence, to be held soon, will be of major interest to the scientific public.

We are waiting for you in Iasi, to the 6th edition of LUMEN Conference 2015


Start here to submit an abstract to this conference STEP ONE OF THE LUMEN SUBMISSION PROCESS

In the section Comments from Lumen Submission Platform-  Please specify the manner of presentation: oral, poster, virtual and the topic of your abstract!

More information about our next event will be soon posted on the conference website

Best regards, Professor PhD Antonio SANDU Director of Lumen Research Center

International Conference: Social representations of history – Call for Papers (University of Pécs, Hungary, April 9-10th, 2015)

Call for papers
International Conference
Social representations of history
Social psychological and historical approaches to their antecedents, evolution, and role in influencing identities and intergroup relations
Organized by COST Action IS1205
University of Pécs, Hungary, April 9-10th, 2015

This international conference is organized by the Institute of Psychology, University of Pécs, in the framework of Cost Action IS1205 “Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged European Union” ( ). The main objective is to create space for the interdisciplinary dialogue (particularly between social psychologists and historians) on the interplay between social representations of history (or collective memories), social identities, and intergroup relations.

Invited keynote speakers are internationally renowned scholars in different fields of the memory studies: Social psychology (János László); history (Chris Lorenz); and a third discipline (to be confirmed).

The international conference will focus on the relevance of history in contemporary people’s lives. How history is being represented contributes to shaping current ethnic, national and European identities. Representations of history elicit group-based emotions that influence behaviours and may lead to intergroup conflicts or reconciliation in Europe and beyond.
The scientific focus of the conference revolves around three major fundamental ideas. First, our relation with the world is built on representations that are shaped and shared within social groups. These representations are not only responsible for our knowledge of the present, but also of the past and future. Secondly, our knowledge about the world is intertwined with our identities; who we are as individuals or as group members. Thirdly, our representations of past intergroup relations, especially conflicts, weigh on current intergroup (e.g. interethnic or international) relations. As a consequence, the transmission of historical narratives, especially about past intergroup conflicts, is crucial in facilitating or impeding reconciliation processes.

Submission and deadlines
We invite submissions in line with the following research domains:
1. The role of social cognitive processes in shaping social representations of history;
2. The contents and structures of social representations of history and their relation to ethnic, national or supranational identities;
3. The transmission of social representations of history through narratives;
4. The effects of social representations of history on emotions, attitudes, and intergroup relations

Proposals for papers and posters can be submitted through the conference website from 1 November to 10 December 2014:
The conference’s official language is English. All proposals will undergo a double blind peer review process. Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors by 20 January 2015.

Abstracts should be written in English and contain a clear outline of the argument, the theoretical framework, and, where applicable, methodology, results and conclusions. The preferred length of the individual abstracts is between 200 and 300 words (the maximum is 300 words). Each participant may submit more than one proposal, but only one paper or poster by the same first author will be accepted.

Deadline for abstracts: 10 December 2014
Notification of Acceptance: 20 January 2015
Online Registration: 1 to 29 February 2015
Final Program of the Conference: 10 March 2015.

The conference will be held at the Department of Communication and Media Studies (, Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pécs, at the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Pécs, Hungary (,18.2474801,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x6c3e08fc05fbe07b

Registration fees:
85 euro per person including participation to the social dinner
45 euro per person without participation to the social dinner

Organizing Committee
Sara Bigazzi (Chair), Zsolt Szabó, Orsolya Vincze, Sara Serdült, Péter Restás, István Csertő, Bálint Takács, Ildikó Bokrétás.
Scientific Committee (in alphabetical order)
Sara Bigazzi, Michal Bilewicz, Susanne Bruckmüller, Rosa Cabecinhas (Coordinator), Luigi Cajani, Sabina Cehajic-Clancy, Karen Douglas, Eva Fülöp, Denis Hilton, Chantal Kesteloot, Olivier Klein, Simone Lässig, Laurent Licata, Tibor Polya, Alberto Sá, Zsolt Szabó, and Orsolya Vincze.

Full details and information about online submissions are available on the conference website:
For enquiries related to the submission of proposals, please contact:

Conferința inaugurală a ediției aniversare (20 de ani) a Colocviului internațional franco-român în științele informării și comunicării

20e édition du Colloque franco-roumain

20e édition du Colloque franco-roumain

Cea de-a 20-a ediție a Colocviului franco-român în informare-comunicare, intitulată « Intersections. Construction des savoirs en information-communication dans l’espace francophone » va avea loc în perioada 30-31 octombrie și 1 noiembrie 2014, la Universitatea din București.

Ședința plenară de deschidere și Conferința inaugurală vor avea loc joi, 30 octombrie 2014, începând cu ora 9:00 la Sala Constantin Stoicescu, Rectoratul Universității din București, Bd. Mihail Kogălniceanu, nr. 36-46. Conferințele inaugurale sunt susținute de prof. univ. dr. Mircea Dumitru, Rectorul Universității din București, și de prof. univ. dr. Ayuko Sedooka de la  Institutul Universitar Kurt Bösch, Sion, Elveția.

Tematica acestei ediții a conferinței internaționale francofone în domeniul științelor informării și comunicării se concentrează asupra intersectărilor epistemologice, culturale sau legate de preocupări sociale, care definesc cercetarea contemporană în științele informării și comunicării.

Această conferință marchează nu numai aniversarea a mai bine de 20 de ani de la prima ediție a Colocviilor bilaterale franco-române în științele informării și comunicării (Universitatea din București, 1993), ci și a 20 de ani de la instalarea Biroului pentru Europa Centrala și Orientală a Agenției Universitare a Francofoniei (1994) și a mai bine de zece ani de la prima Conferință internațională francofonă în științele informării și comunicării (București, 2003).

Organizatorii colocviului sunt Centrul de Studii Media și Noi Tehnologii de Comunicare (Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială, Universitatea din București), Centrul de Cercetări asupra medierilor (CREM, Université de Lorraine/Université de Haute-Alsace, France), Centrul I3M (Information, milieux, médias, médiations, Universitea din Nice Sophia Antipolis – Universitatea Toulon, France) și Centrul Regional Francofon de Cercetări Avansate în Științe Sociale – Villa Noël (Universitatea din București).

Această ediție este realizată în parteneriat cu laboratoare de cercetare prestigioase din Franța (Élico, IEP, Lyon, Universitatea Lyon 1, Lyon 2 și Lyon 3; ENSSIB, CIM, Universitatea Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3; CIMEOS, Universitatea din Burgundia; Recom, Universitatea catolică din Louvain, Belgia).

Partenerii români ai colocviului sunt Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială, Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științele Comunicării, Departamentul de Comunicare și Relații Publice (Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din București), Facultatea de Comunicare și Relații Publice de la Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative (București), Laboratorul de Sociologie a Comunicării și a Spațiului Public al Institutului de Sociologie al Academiei române (București).

Evenimentul se bucură de susținerea Agenției universitare a Francofoniei, Ambasadei Franței la București și a Institutului Francez.

Contact :

Sursa informațiilor:


Un peu plus de vingt ans après la première édition des colloques bilatéraux franco-roumains en sciences de l’information et de la communication (Université de Bucarest, 1993), vingt ans après l’installation du Bureau Europe centrale et orientale de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (Bucarest, 1994), et un peu plus de dix ans après la première conférence internationale francophone en sciences de l’information et de la communication (Bucarest, 2003) qui réunissait des chercheurs autour du thème «Supports, dispositifs et discours médiatiques à l’heure de l’internationalisation», la présente manifestation entend dresser un état des transformations à l’œuvre dans la construction des savoirs. À cet effet, les réflexions seront centrées sur les intersections (épistémologiques, culturelles, en lien avec des préoccupations sociales) qui marquent la recherche contemporaine en information-communication.

Pourquoi penser en termes d’intersections ? Trois facteurs motivent ce choix. L’un correspond à des objets de recherche qui sont explicitement au point de rencontre de plusieurs secteurs comme l’attestent de nouveaux vocables (les humanités numériques, les musées numériques, les muséogeeks, le web-journalisme, les mooks, l’identité numérique, l’e-réputation, la démocratie numérique …).
Un autre consiste dans le fait que mener des travaux sur ces objets nécessite de se situer à l’intersection de plusieurs disciplines et appelle, comme par le passé mais pour des raisons particulières, la mise au point de méthodologies adaptées. Par exemple, extraire et analyser des données numériques dans de grands corpus suppose de dépasser le geste technique pour y associer une dimension sociale.
Enfin, de tels mouvements provoquent un réagencement de la composition des collectifs de chercheurs, ce qui peut avoir un impact sur la redéfinition de leurs thématiques de travail.

Sous cet angle, les travaux engagés sur les humanités numériques, au-delà de considérations étroitement techniques, articulent l’informatique et des sciences humaines et sociales et contribuent à déplacer les frontières disciplinaires avec des phénomènes de coupure et de suture, de porosité et de capillarité. En outre, ces questionnements peuvent mettre en jeu des approches en termes de générations, de genre, d’internationalisation de la communication, de transferts culturels, d’éthique et bien sûr d’innovation. C’est l’analyse de tout ou partie de cette dynamique, selon une perspective épistémologique, qui est requise dans les propositions de communication. Ceci est d’autant plus important que de telles intersections conduisent à modifier la cartographie des recherches menées en information-communication (objets, théories, méthodes, collaborations …). À terme, elles devraient avoir un impact sur les formations.

Les résumés des communications peuvent être consultés ici : Resumes_CIFSIC2014

Le programme de la conférence peut être consulté ici : Programme

Pentru mai multe detalii puteți consulta pagina web