Creativity and Human Development International eJournal


The 21st Century is widely regarded as the Age of Creativity. Whether or not you agree with that statement, there is little doubt that creative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems are very much needed. Certainly, there has been growing interest in creativity, with certain governments and business leaders regarding the capacity to be creative as key to economic success. The role of creativity in individual health and well-being is also widely acknowledged – in fact a future issue of this journal will be devoted to exploring exactly what that role is – in our personal lives, in the community and at work. Whether or not you agree that creativity also has a dark side depends partly on how you define it.

Fostering creativity and healthy human development are generally thought to be worthwhile objectives. Indeed, there is a vast body of literature on each area. But until now, with the odd exception, much of this literature has focused either on the development of creativity or on human development but not consistently on both together. Most texts on human development tend to make only fleeting reference to creativity and vice versa. And yet the two are inextricably linked. We now need to know much more about how they are linked throughout life and what the implications are for health and well-being, organisational and community development, and government policy and practice. We also need to know much more about how creativity and human development are addressed in different countries and cultures – our next journal theme.

Creating this journal means that we now we have a dedicated international space for everyone to raise questions, share insights and research findings, and comment on all aspects of creativity and human development. We would be very pleased to hear from you