Seminar Laborator de Psihologie Socială – Adrian Neculau (LPSSI) – 19.04.2016

Marți, 19 aprilie 2016, începând cu ora 18 va avea loc a treia întâlnire din acest an a laboratorului nostru. Cu acest prilej, conf. univ. dr. Mihaela Boza va susține prezentarea intitulată Objectification processes: A cross-cultural study on antecedents of self-objectification in Italy and Romania.

ABSTRACT: Self-objectification is defined as the internalization of an observers’ perspective upon one’s body
and occurs when individuals treat themselves as objects to be viewed and evaluated based upon
appearance. The damaging psychological consequences of self-objectification has been extensively
documented, while more research about its antecedents has been recommended. In line with this
suggestion, the present study had two main goals: (a) investigating the antecedents of self-objectification,
through the analysis of concurrently biological (i.e., gender, age and body mass index), psychological (i.e.,
self-esteem and perfectionism) and sociocultural dimensions (i.e., influence of mass media and significant
others) in women and men; and (b) paying attention to the influence of culture in self-objectification
processes. A self-reported questionnaire was administered to 770 heterosexual adults, residing in Italy and
in Romania. Self-objectification was operationalized as Body Surveillance (BS) and Body Shame (BSH).
Regression models were used to analyse antecedents of self-objectification for either BS or BSH separately
by nationality. Overall, BS and BSH emerged as different processes fostered by different agents of influence
rooted in biological and psychological domains, as well as in social and cultural ones. These factors play
different roles across countries, confirming the necessity to understand cultural constants and differences
to promote protective factors in situated interventions.